Terraform Cloud/Enterprise Easy Onboarding

Terraform Cloud/Enterprise Easy Onboarding

Written: 2021-10-18
Author: WhatsARanjit

The problem

You are using Terraform Cloud/Enterprise (will refer to both as TFC). Managing a few to several workspaces is easy within the UI. But what happens if I need to onboard hundreds of teams? How do I manage permissions, policy, and/or versioning? How do I do this as code?

The fix

The TFC API allows us to do a lot of things. Furthermore, the TFC provider allows us to use this API as Terraform code, just like any other resources.


We’ll assume some things are already set up, although many of these can be done with a different layer of Terraform code:


Required Variables

  1. TFC Token
    The TFC token to use with enough permissions to manage workspaces. For more information on generating tokens, please read:


  2. Source the WhatsARanjit Onboarding Module

  3. Enter required variables via CLI or TFC

    • organization
      TFC organization under which to create the workspace

    • workspace_name
      Unique name of the workspace to track

    • workspace_owner_email
      Email address of the TFC user who has admin access

    • workspace_vcs_identifier
      VCS repo in the format <vsc_org>/<repo_name>

    • workspace_oauth_id
      OAuth ID seen in the TFC UI

Optional Variables

Some extra options if you need:

…After some variables we can start to play around. As a best practice, you do not want to include secret/sensitive data as part of your code. You can supply them through Vault or other lookups and template them into your Terraform code. Check out these other resources for more imformation.

Module implementation

module "teamA" {
  source = "github.com/WhatsARanjit/terraform-onboarding-module"

  # Workspace setup
  organization             = "my_orgaization_name"
  workspace_name           = "onboarding_test"
  workspace_owner_email    = "owner@org.com"
  workspace_description    = "Onboarding Team A"
  workspace_vcs_identifier = "WhatsARanjit/terraform-random-app"
  workspace_oauth_id       = "oc-orgid123456"
  workspace_tags           = [

  # Variables
  variables = {
    bu = {
      value = "onboarding"
    TF_LOG = {
      value    = "DEBUG"
      category = "env"
    admin_password = {
      value       = "P@ssw0rd"
      description = "Secure access to nothing"
      sensitive   = true
    default_tags = {
      value = "{ \"environment\" = \"test\", \"owner\" = \"WhatsARanjit\" }"
      hcl   = true
      value     = "FOO"
      category  = "env"
      sensitive = true
      value     = "BAR",
      category  = "env"
      sensitive = true

  # RBAC
  # Optional built-in RBAC teams
  ## Read
  workspace_read_access_emails = [

  ## Write
  workspace_write_access_emails = [

  ## Plan
  workspace_plan_access_emails = [

In the end

We want to onboard a new project/BU/internal customer onto TFC/E without too much effort. The great news is we can Terraform for TFC/E! So when there’s a new thing, we can use internal Terraform code to create a new workspace, VCS configuration, permissions, run triggers, notifications, etc, all through Terraform code. The example creates the following for you:


What this repo can’t do just yet-